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Winter Season Driving Guide

With snow, winter brings tough conditions for people, especially who reside where it sways in full swing. Even sleet, fog, rain, and mist prove to be dangerous as nature often things get out of control. As a result, 24% of weather-associated crashes occur on snowy, slushy, or icy pavements and 15% happen during snowfall each year (i). These crashes cause over 1,300 annual deaths while severe injuries of more than 116,800 people (ii). Therefore, the more hazardous winter makes situation difficult for drivers, the more safety measures they practice, the easier it will prove in the long-run. So, read along for a complete guide with winter driving tips

Car Kit Winter Essentials  

Before learning and fretting about on-road safety measures, one must prepare by taking precautionary measures to survive ‘maybe’ situations. The foremost precaution is preparing the right kit for the winter season. Your car emergency kit will only need some add-ons to becoming a saviour in difficult times or more aptly put, winter times.

Here’s what you will need:

Prepping Your Car for Winter

Now that you’re all done curating the necessary tools for a winter drive, proceed to prepare your car from inside and out for the road, and the miles ahead. So, follow the tips mentioned below if you want a steadfast car and wish to confront winter driving challenges with confidence.

Winter Driving Hazards

Although the winter season makes everything appear magical with its snowy aura, it also brings in severity. The safest option to survive the severity of the weather is to avoid driving as much as you can. But if you must, here’s what will come your way.

Winter Driving Tips

Driving in winter must be full of precautions, safety measures, confidence, and brains. And now that we’ve discussed the precautions, some on-road driving measures come into play. So, include these tips in your routine winter driving for a safe journey.

We hope you’ll not only add to your knowledge with these tips but practice them for the safest driving experience plausible, take precautions and enjoy the season!

(i) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Snow and Ice.
(ii) Refer to the note above.